Monthly Archives: January 2010

Oh, and a few of photos of Mr. Pants

a Halloween pumpkin

It is not you, it is us

We have been so bad at blogging, of course that has been the lead of our last few posts and the last one was in September.   How the heck did that happen!!!    I am not going to promise or even think that I will get back to blogging.   I have thought about blogging so much, I still read everyone’s news every day (when I can) and I have been wanting to get back into it, but blogging is like any other friendship and it is hard to get back in touch when it has been so long.      I miss you guys.

It is a new year and I can’t help but to wish 2010 wishes to everyone.    I hope 2010 brings great happiness to our friends out there, pregnancies, healthy babies, happy relationships and joy.    Personally, I hope 2010 brings comfort and contentment with our decision to move away from Vermont (yes we are still here, but leaving in the middle of the month), some excercise (I would so like to lose some weight), and it is time to make some money since our savings are almost out so a job.     2009, I loved you and I will look back on you with so much fondness.   I hope that 2010 is that kind of year for the majority of you out there.